
Overcoming barriers to improving the mental health of Minnesota farmers
Monica Kramer McConkey grew up on a farm and is one of two mental health professionals hired through the state to provide free mental health support for farmers. Monica owns Eyes on the Horizon, an agriculture mental health consulting business and she talks with host Cathy Wurzer about the work.
Medical debt ruined her credit. 'It's like you're being punished for being sick'
New policies to keep medical bills from sinking credit ratings sound good but will likely fall short for many hit hardest by debt — especially Black Americans in the South, such as Penelope Wingard.
Are you worried about excessive drinking? Here's what to do
Last year, a record number of Minnesotans died from alcohol-related causes. MPR News host Angela Davis talks with two longtime alcohol and addiction treatment specialists about addressing excessive alcohol use and how to reduce drinking. 
What's it take to go from mechanic to physician at 51? Patience, an Ohio doctor says
Talk about a late bloomer. Carl Allamby, who ran an auto repair shop for more than 20 years, was recently hired as an attending physician at Cleveland Clinic's Hillcrest Hospital at age 51.
Fears, frustration mount as Minnesota’s long-term care staffing crisis deepens
Staff counts are down 20 percent, 18 homes have closed and violation complaints around resident health and safety have doubled since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Observers warn care quality is in jeopardy with no easy fix.