
The lambda variant: What you should know and why experts say not to panic
Cases of the variant have popped up in several states. But neither the World Health Organization nor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers it a variant of concern, and the fast-spreading delta variant continues to dominate U.S. cases.
The NFL warns teams will forfeit games and players won't be paid in COVID outbreaks
In a memo sent to all 32 teams, the league announced that if games are canceled due to COVID-19 outbreaks among unvaccinated players, the season won't be extended for rescheduled games.
How loneliness affects our health — and what we can do
One in three Americans reported “serious loneliness” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Isolation was the main factor, but other things played a part, including aging and the loss or partial loss of our sensory perceptions. Guest host Chris Farrell explored the causes of loneliness, particularly in older people, and what we can do about it.
Sen. Tomassoni on figuring out how to move forward with ALS
Longtime state Sen. David Tomassoni of Chisholm, Minn., announced Saturday that he has Lou Gehrig's disease, also called ALS. He spoke with Cathy Wurzer about how he’s navigating life with an incurable disease.
The attorney general said Minnesota's share could be as much as $337 million over 18 years, with significant payments frontloaded in the first five years. The spending will be overseen by Minnesota's Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council.