
How Hmong and Karen community leaders are fighting youth addiction
Karen and Hmong parents in Minnesota say they are increasingly alarmed by the substance abuse they see in their communities’ youth. Opioids are the largest problem, specifically the the deadly drug fentanyl.
Appeals court rules in favor of woman turned away from pharmacy for emergency contraceptive
The Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Monday that an Aitkin County pharmacist’s refusal to give a woman emergency contraception in 2019 was illegal sex discrimination under the state’s human rights act.
Marijuana, cannabis, hemp: Why Minnesota is choosing its words carefully
What’s in a name? To paraphrase Shakespeare, a bud by any other word would smell as sweet. Legislators and businesspeople around the state are changing the words they use to talk about cannabis as it becomes legal for adult use.
State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs
Many Americans rely on Medicaid when fighting diseases. But there’s a catch. Often, states try to recoup the costs after the recipients die. That could mean a big bill — even the sale of their homes.
A simple blood test can detect colorectal cancer early, study finds
At a time when colorectal cancer is rising, researchers say a blood test can detect 83 percent of people with the disease. If the FDA approves it the test would be another screening tool for early detection.