
'Normalcy on the horizon': Walz OKs larger gatherings, fans at Twins games
Gov. Tim Walz’s latest pullback will let people gather in larger groups indoors and outdoors, while bars and restaurants will be able to serve at 75 percent capacity. The May fishing opener also looks like a go. “We’re beating this thing,” Walz said Friday.
Moderna and Pfizer on track to hit vaccine production goals
Pfizer and Moderna each agreed to supply 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the U.S. by the end of March. With just under three weeks left, both companies have their work cut out for them.
'Why is this so hard?' A glimpse into a year of virtual high school in MN
In a year upended by the coronavirus pandemic, the roller coaster of open and closed school buildings and experiments with learning scenarios means that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what high school has been like for any given student on any given day. 
Examining the pandemic's toll on mental health and addiction
The future president and CEO of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation spoke about what the pandemic has taught us about mental health and how this period could spark changes for the way we view mental health and addiction.
Majority approves of Biden's handling of pandemic, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds
Sixty-two percent approve of the job the president is doing handling the pandemic, but he gets a lower 49 percent overall job approval rating, signaling potentially tough legislative fights ahead.
Will the coronavirus ever go away?
Nobody knows for sure how the coronavirus will behave over the long term, but experts say it may be with us for decades or longer. That doesn't mean it will keep posing the same threat. Many scientists believe it's likely the disease will eventually become a nuisance like the common cold.