
Research: Scanning wastewater could offer advance warning of COVID — or other viruses
A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesota researchers say their effort to learn whether surveying a community’s sewage could help detect the prevalence of COVID-19 — and possibly predict surges of the virus — appears promising.
Latest on COVID in MN: Vaccination pace quickens; UK variant outbreak 'rapidly growing' in Carver Co.
Minnesota’s newest data shows the vaccination trend line climbing. Gov. Tim Walz said the state may be able to “break the back” of the pandemic in the next four weeks. Meanwhile, state health officials are recommending a two-week suspension of youth sports in Carver County amid an outbreak of a COVID-19 variant.
Musicians tackle powerful, personal topics for 10th round of Cedar Commissions
Over the past 10 years, the Cedar Commissions series in Minneapolis has been a platform for emerging musicians. The show will go on this year in streaming format, starting Friday night, as the artists take on subjects both powerful and personal.
Study finds wildfire smoke more harmful to humans than pollution from cars
In Southern California, pollutants from wildfire smoke caused up to a 10 percent increase in hospital admissions. Researchers say there's a need for better air monitoring and public health programs.
Got questions about Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine? We have answers
The third COVID-19 vaccine authorized for use in the U.S. requires one shot instead of two, and works a slightly different way from the others. Here's what we know about its safety and effectiveness.
By slimmest of margins, Senate takes up $1.9T COVID relief bill
Democrats have made eleventh-hour changes in the measure aimed at ensuring they can pull President Joe Biden’s top legislative priority through the precariously divided chamber. They hope for Senate approval of the package before next week.
Marriage and divorce during the pandemic
During the pandemic, married couples have struggled to find balance between work, parenting and other responsibilities. Some marriages have ended in divorce. But the pandemic has brought other couples closer together.
U.S. traffic deaths spike even as pandemic cuts miles traveled
Pandemic lockdowns and stay-at-home orders kept many drivers off U.S. roads and highways last year. But those who did venture out found open lanes that only invited reckless driving, leading to a sharp increase in traffic-crash deaths across the country.