
Extreme heat's coming: Here's how to stay healthy
“If we don't pay attention to the symptoms and hydrate ourselves and get ourselves to a cooler place, we may get into a medical emergency, which is heatstroke,” a University of Minnesota doctor told MPR News Tuesday.
New marijuana law likely to ignite legal challenges
Legal marijuana in Minnesota poses a range of issues around traffic stops and criminal cases that stem from use or possession. Prosecutors, police chiefs and defense attorneys are already looking at what might happen in court.
Minnesota prepares as heat wave may bring 100-degree temperatures to the state
Temperatures are forecast to climb into the 90s — possibly even exceeding 100 degrees — across parts of the state in the coming days, accompanied by increased humidity. Officials are urging people to take steps to keep themselves safe in the heat.
An ultra-processed diet made this doctor sick. Now he's studying why
A diet composed of 80 percent ultra-processed foods led one British doctor to gain weight and feel unwell. Now, he's trying to nail down the health effects of this type of diet, which many Americans eat.
Minnesota cops on guard for ‘high way’ drivers in new marijuana era
When recreational marijuana becomes legal in Minnesota next week, law enforcement agencies expect an uptick in use. Officers are stressing that driving high could result in a DWI – and possibly endanger others on the road.