
Here's who controls the $50 billion opioid settlement funds in each state
As money is funneled to states, opioid councils wield significant power in determining how it gets spent. They face concerns about conflicts of interest and lack of representation by affected groups.
Here's how 10 minutes of mindfulness can help make or break a family vacation
Research shows it's possible to generative positive emotions and memories, even amid strife and anxiety. If you're planning a family vacation, a simple meditation exercise can help you keep your cool.
This week’s roundup shows that COVID continues to wane in Minnesota, with low levels detected in wastewater plants throughout the state. In light of recent news we also take a look at firearm death rate and a new report showing a big increase in nonresident abortions in Minnesota last year.
The CDC is helping states address gun injuries after years of political roadblocks
A grant program gives states a path around a 1996 federal rule that prohibits the CDC from advocating gun control — a rule critics say has had a chilling effect on studying who has been shot and how.
Minnesota Health Commissioner Dr. Brooke Cunningham is on a mission to tackle racial health disparities 
MPR News host Angela Davis talks with Minnesota Health Commissioner Dr. Brooke Cunningham. She’s a sociologist, a primary care doctor and has big ideas for improving equity in health care.
Hennepin Healthcare makes its case for more equity, inclusion training
The Minneapolis hospital now requires doctors and other health professionals to undergo equity and inclusion training. The program is atypical in the health field, but one that hospital leaders say is crucial in their mission to serve the entire city. Here’s how it works.
U.S. maternal deaths keep rising. Here's who is most at risk
The rate at which women in the U.S. are dying from pregnancy related causes more than doubled in recent decades. A new study, published in JAMA shows Black women and Native Americans are most at risk.