
Minnesotans are living longer and that trend is expected to continue. According to Minnesota State Demographic Center projections, the number of adults 65 years and older is anticipated to double between 2010 and 2030. That means 1 in 5 Minnesotans will be an older adult.

MPR News is looking at this shift and what it means to all of us.

Related: End in Mind delves into how our culture engages with loss, dying and death and offers resources to live more and fear less.

No clear strategy to fund ballooning need for senior care
The aging of the baby-boom generation will cause Minnesota's spending on care for older residents to balloon by as much as 70 percent in a little more than a decade. And there's no consensus on how to address the need.
When a senior wants to age in place, but the place needs work
A Habitat for Humanity program modifies homes for low-income elderly people who find it tough to get around. Since it launched in October, the Age in Place Initiative has helped 15 Twin Cities homeowners.