
Wreck's identification 95 years after ship's disappearance puts theories to rest
As it turns out, neither the Bermuda Triangle nor aliens are to blame for the Cotopaxi's sinking. It took Michael Barnette 15 years of research to identify the ship, which went down with 32 people.
Auschwitz survivors share their stories on 75th anniversary of camp liberation
More than a million people died in the Nazi death camp, most of them Jews. After the war, some survivors settled in Minnesota. Two women, now in their 90s, recently shared their Holocaust stories with MPR News.
Hidden for decades, work of Minnesota photographer gets its own museum exhibit
After sitting unseen and largely forgotten for more than a quarter century, a trove of images taken by a Minnesota photographer in the 1940s and 1950s are on display in a new museum exhibit in Winona.
Rep. John Lewis' fight for civil rights began with a letter to Martin Luther King Jr.
As a teenager growing up in Alabama, Lewis wrote a letter to Martin Luther King Jr. during the budding civil rights movement. In a letter back, King invited the 18-year-old to join the cause.
U.S. Navy to name aircraft carrier after World War II hero Doris Miller
Miller was a mess attendant on the West Virginia when he jumped in to man a machine gun during the Pearl Harbor attack. He is the first African American to have an aircraft carrier named after him.