
In honor of his last day, interviews with authors by executive editor Mike Edgerly
MPR News executive editor Mike Edgerly had a 27-year career here, and Thursday is his last day. Listen in to two interviews he conducted with authors Mark Bowden and James Welch.
Ask a 'sotan: How did George Hormel, grandfather of Spam, get to Minnesota?
Hormel, the company that brought the world Spam (the eating kind) and other meaty meals, makes its home in Austin, Minn. The writings of a young George Hormel reveal just why this international food giant ended up here.
African American Studies celebrates 50 years at the U of M
This year marks the 50-year anniversary of the start of the African American Studies department at the University of Minnesota. The University established the department in 1969, but only after pressure and protests from black student activists.