
History Forum: Imperialism and America's mission abroad: A century ago and now.
A look at globalization, racism and America's role in the world, from the perspective of events more than a century ago. Susan Harris was featured at the 2016 History Forum, and she gave her talk the intriguing title, "Pious Hypocrisies: Mark Twain, The Philippines, and America's Christian Mission Abroad."
David Blight on the Civil War in American memory
The historian explores the immediate aftermath of the Civil War: efforts to fulfill the promise of emancipation, repairing the sectional divide between the north and south and the ongoing racial divide.
Nick Hayes: 'Putin's Power Game at Home and Abroad'
Minnesota's preeminent Russia expert, professor Nick Hayes, gives a complex portrayal of Vladimir Putin, a man who sees himself as the leader who has given Russia a place at the table for international diplomacy.
Historian Kevin Boyle on 'Arc of Justice'
Kevin Boyle, author of the National Book Award-winning, "Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights and Murder in the Jazz Age." The story of Dr. Ossian Sweet, a black doctor who moved into a white neighborhood in Detroit in the 1920's. Famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow made the stirring closing arguments 90 years ago on May 11.
On Abraham Lincoln's birthday: hear historian Harold Holzer
Renowned Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer tells us this hour about Abraham Lincoln's presidency, his assassination, and his mostly unknown career as a newspaper man. Harold Holzer gave the 2015 "Lincoln Lecture" at the Minnesota Historical Society. He titled it "Lincoln and the Press in 1865: Mayhem, Manhunts and Martyrdom."
Rashad Shabazz: 'Why Geography Matters in the Struggle for Racial Justice'
Rashad Shabazz says America has a racial divide that can be explained by a study of geography and our sense of place. He concludes that lack of freedom and mobility, and government policies in housing and transportation, have hindered our ability to have a just and multi-racial society.