
Is it safe to go home? With hard hats and phone apps, Turkey's engineers seek answers
NPR follows one of the hundreds of building inspectors in Turkey's earthquake zone to learn about the massive challenge of figuring how who can return to their homes.
The earthquake in Turkey and Syria offers lessons and reminders for disaster response
Even as rescuers rush to arrive, it's often locals who can best offer immediate help, experts say. And they say governments in devastated areas often fail to realize the scope and respond immediately.
Sniffer dogs offer hope in waning rescue efforts in Turkey
Days after the Feb. 6 earthquake in Turkey and Syria, hopes of finding people alive is waning. One U.S.-based team uses search-and-rescue dogs to try to find people still trapped days after the quake.
Rescuers keep digging for survivors a week after the Turkey-Syria earthquake
People buried under rubble in southern Turkey continue to defy the odds, surviving freezing weather and a week without water. A 40-year-old woman was pulled alive in Gaziantep province early Monday.