
Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance
Millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools to help stop coronavirus’ spread early on in the pandemic. In return, governments got a firehose of individuals’ private health details, photographs that captured their facial measurements and their home addresses.
The moments that captured our attention at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
The monthlong tournament in Qatar was filled with excitement, surprise and controversy. Argentina's victory in the final — which gave Lionel Messi his first title — cemented it as one of the best.
With the World Cup over, rights groups hope the issues raised stay relevant in Qatar
Trouble brews in the run up to every global, mega sporting event — such as buses not running on time, or venues seemingly not ready for action. But it melts away when the games begin. But what lasts?
N. Korea fires 2 ballistic missiles capable of reaching Japan
North Korea test-fired a pair of ballistic missiles with a potential range of striking Japan on Sunday, in a possible protest of Tokyo’s adoption of a new security strategy to push for more offensive footing against North Korea and China.
Two giant pandas have predicted that Argentina will win the World Cup over France
The pandas correctly predicted that Argentina would beat Croatia in the first semifinal match last, and they also rightly chose France over Morocco. Now, they predict Argentina will win the final.
In Baidoa, Somalis live at the epicenter of drought, hunger and conflict
Baidoa, surrounded by Al-Shabab militants, is at the heart of Somalia's worst drought in 40 years. Aid groups warn of impending famine. "The needs are overwhelming," says a UNICEF specialist.