
A charity kitchen in Ukraine linked to chef José Andrés was destroyed by a missile
The celebrity chef's nonprofit World Central Kitchen has been serving meals to families fleeing Ukraine. A restaurant that was partnering with the organization was destroyed by a Russian missile.
U.S., S. Korea urge North's return to talks after missile tests
The U.S. special envoy for North Korea says Washington and Seoul have agreed on the need for a strong response to Pyongyang’s recent spate of missile tests, though they remain open to dialogue with the country.
Ukrainian Jews displaced by war find Passover especially poignant this year
The Passover story is about displacement and the search for a promised land. For Ukrainian Jews this Passover, the story has special resonance as the holiday finds them scattered across the world.
Ukraine war far from over as Russia renews strikes in Kyiv
Officials in Moscow said they were targeting military sites. But the toll of war reaches much deeper. Each day brings new discoveries of civilian victims of a war that has shattered European security and plunged East-West relations to new lows.