Greater Minnesota

Narrow row farming good for some in Minnesota
Could Minnesota corn growers increase yield if they reduce spacing between rows by several inches, to 22 inches or less? The answer depends on where their farm is.
Investigators think the vandals might have thought they were saving the trees from logging. But if that was their plan, it backfired.
Sisters of St. Francis remain committed to service
The sisters of St. Francis have continued their tradition of service in southeastern Minnesota and beyond through the decades, but today their membership is aging and their numbers are dwindling.
Thanksgiving tradition in Duluth now draws thousands
An army of volunteers is putting the last touches on a Thanksgiving feast for thousands in Duluth. The annual free buffet started 20 years ago as a much smaller event in Superior. Now it draws hundreds of volunteers to cook and serve as many as 5,000 turkey dinners.
Pastoral path runs through nursing homes, jails
Callings from a higher power don't come in the form of a well-written letter or a carefully worded voice mail, so Jerry David understands why the ministerial path he's on has taken some detours.