Minnesota Housing News

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Why home improvement has surged and how it's changing America
The pandemic has sparked a sustained, unprecedented tidal wave of home and backyard projects. The demand outstrips the supply of materials and labor to do the work, leaving homeowners to get creative.
CDC issues sweeping temporary halt on evictions nationwide
The move could prevent millions of evictions that housing advocates warn are looming as people who've lost work run out of money. Landlords groups want to know who will pay for the lost rent.
'Will I have a place to live?' Scrambling to survive after $600 benefits end
Millions of people who've lost all or some of their income are having to make hard choices — from moving across the country for cheaper rent to raiding retirement savings.
How Minnesota's evictions ban is playing out
With money tighter amid the pandemic, what rights and protections do tenants have? What rights do property owners have? Two experts in the housing industry joined the program to talk about the pandemic’s impact on tenants and landlords.
Behind on rent? A new $100 million housing assistance program may help
Starting Monday, Minnesotans who are behind in their rent or mortgage can apply for housing assistance intended for those struggling financially because of COVID-19. But there will be challenges in getting the money into the hands of people who need it most, so officials want to enlist landlords to help get out the word.