Statewide Blog

Big changes ahead for Virginia hospital
The Virginia Regional Medical Center, in the Iron Range city of Virginia, has been struggling for a couple of years. The city-owned hospital is on track to lose $2.4 million this year, according to the Mesabi Daily News. It lost another $1 million between 2008 and 2009. I reported on the hospital’s struggles and those…
This was the type of day on the grain markets that makes Minnesota corn and soybean farmers cheer, while state livestock producers cringe. Grain prices moved sharply higher on a ‘limit up’ day on the markets. Corn and soybeans both rose the daily limit. That’s 30 cents a bushel for corn and 70 cents a…
The Mayo Clinic today pledged $300,000 to help with cleanup and recovery efforts in flood-damaged areas of southeastern Minnesota. The donation was distributed equally to the Southeast Minnesota Chapter of the Red Cross, the Salvation Army of Rochester, and the United Way of Olmsted County for flood relief efforts. “This natural disaster has substantially affected…
Dispatch from northeast Minnesota
Bob Kelleher, who covers northeast Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, reviews important stories on his beat during Morning edition with Cathy Wurzer. He discusses a ban on synthetic marijuana in Duluth, an internal Republican poll that shows GOP challenger Chip Cravaack narrowly training Democratic Rep. Jim Oberstar and an $82 million high speed internet…