Statewide Blog

An ethanol plant shutdown for most of the past two years is getting ready to reopen. The DENCO plant in Morris in west central Minnesota fell victim to a sharp downturn in the ethanol industry in 2007-2008. The plant’s Australian owner, the now-defunct Babcock and Brown Environmental Interests, closed it in January 2009. A new…
Dispatch from northwest Minnesota
Dan Gunderson, who covers Northwest Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, talks to Cathy Wurzer about important stories on his beat during Morning Edition. He reports on a a legal dispute over genetically modified seed, this year's harvest, rain in the forecast and a flood diversion project for Fargo Moohead.
Canada moves to clean up Lake Winnipeg
There has been talk recently about having multi-party talks in Washington D.C. to negotiate several water issues causing political skirmishes across the international border.
Creepy and fascinating asylum complex yours for $1
The former Fergus Falls State Hospital is an imposing collection of Victorian-style buildings. The problem is no one knows what to do with the complex. The city is seeking buyers with ideas -- and money. Someone put up an ad on Craiglist offering the site for $1. The city didn't put up the ad, but doesn't mind the publicity.