Statewide Blog

One of the big changes in farming over the next decade may be the number of people getting out of the business. It’s not because of an economic crisis, since most farmers are making good profits these days. Rather, the driver for the trend is age. The average age of U.S. farmers is about 57…
Are cat videos art?
Should we be concerned when one of Minnesota’s most important cultural institutions becomes known for curating internet cat videos?
State Fair University: What makes a good cutting horse?
MPR’s Cathy Wurzer, a horse lover, visited the equine area of the Minnesota State Fair determined to learn something new. Sure enough, J.P. Bell of the Minnesota Cutting Horse Association introduced her to a concept — and a competition — she had only heard of but never understood. “Cutting” is the term for separating one Read more →
Twin Ports aviation industry flying high
In July 1999, I was a young reporter in Duluth working at KDLH-TV. I covered just about everything as you do on the general assignment beat. One of my most memorable stories was about a burgeoning Duluth-based aviation company called Cirrus Design. Cirrus had created a unique and innovative product – a small airplane equipped…
Today at the fair: Meet the governor and watch cat videos
Today at the fair, Gov. Mark Dayton will spend an hour at the MPR booth (at the corner of Judson and Nelson), chatting with MPR News political editor Mike Mulcahy live on the air. He’ll be answering questions from fairgoers and taking questions from radio listeners across the state from noon until 1 p.m. (To Read more →
State Fair goers react to possible U.S. strike on Syria
MPR News reporter Mark Zdechlik went to the Minnesota State Fair, where today is Military Appreciation Day,  to ask people how they think the U.S. should respond to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.  Many fair goers he talked with said they were veterans of the Vietnam War.      
Minnesota monarchs headed south
The butterflies born here are on their way south, and their offspring will eventually reach the mountain forests in central Mexico to spend the winter.
Mixed results in voting to set taxing districts around Minnesota lakes
Minnesota Lake residents continue to challenge the establishment of Lake Improvement Districts,  with mixed results. A LID has the authority to levy fees, or taxes based on property value.  The money can be used to improve water quality.  The spread of aquatic invasive species has prompted more lake property owners to ask for the authority to Read more →