Statewide Blog

Your Fair photos: Circles
MPR News issued a photo challenge to fairgoers yesterday to capture images of circles at the fair. As promised, here are the best: More images from Nikki Tundel, including many that don’t include circles, can be found here in a gallery of State Fair still lifes. Hey @mprnews, found some circles! Fried green tomatoes! #tellmpr…
Five things you didn’t think you could do at the fair
The gates have opened. It’s Day One of the Great Minnesota Get-Together, and already the lists of fair must-dos are piling up: Eat the food on a stick, see a parade, watch a few animal babies being born, shake the hands of a few politicians, take in some free entertainment… But this year at the Read more →
Bemidji, 50 below and counting
Bemidji is thriving; while the population is growing, tourism is rebounding after the recession and there’s new construction underway, the historic problems and tensions remain.
Photo: Circle, circle, dot, dot by History Boy via MPR’s Flickr Group MPR News seeks your opening day State Fair photos. To add a bit of a creative challenge to this call for photos we are looking for your images from the fair that contain circles or wheels. You can submit you photos by adding…
The Mayo Clinic has received $3 million from the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research to study how the presence of a specific sort of human cell affects aging. The funds will help the clinic establish laboratories to study senescent cells, which seem to accumulate in our bodies with age. Darren Baker, a cellular biologist working…
Are you a State Fair pro?
Nobody does a state fair like Minnesota. And nobody does The State Fair like Minnesotans. Everyone’s got a fair hack — that little trick that makes you an insider, the one you swear by, the one that makes your trip (or trips!) to the fair the best possible time — till next year. Clark Gregor…
Wolf pups on Isle Royale, a howl of hope for struggling population
The yips and howls of wolf pups are a welcome addition to the sounds of Isle Royale, Mich. this summer. It is a bit of surprising good news for the island’s dwindling wolf population. Michigan Tech researcher Rolf Peterson said he heard the pups in July. He emailed Michigan Radio about the news: “The pups…