Statewide Blog

Organic farm profits fall
Net income for organic farms fell last year, but 2011was a strong year for larger organic farms, according to a Minnesota Department of Agriculture report.
What should the garden grow?
Prisoners at the Red Wing minimum-security prison plant vegetables often left to the serious gardener: kale, Swiss chard, purple carrots, chocolate-colored peppers. They spend hours poring over seed catalogs, steamy afternoons weeding. They donate the surplus to the local food shelf. The problem is, not everyone at the food shelf knows what to do with chard.
Aiming to recover from former U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar's stunning defeat in the 2010 elections that sent a wave of Republican freshman to the House of Representatives, Democrats will soon select one of three challengers to U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack.
Voter IDs laws have become a political flashpoint in what's gearing up to be another close election year. Supporters say the laws -- which 30 states have now enacted in some form -- are needed to combat voter fraud, while critics see them as a tactic to disenfranchise voters.
Check your math: many students fail math grad exam; Fake pot rolls on in Duluth: owner vows to defy new law; Romney strongest on the Range: poll shows Romney ahead in Arrowhead, Obama winning the rest of the state