Statewide Blog

Three DFLers debate in Duluth to challenge Cravaack; Rukavina letter threatens Pequaywan Township over mining vote; USA Today finds old Minnesota lead plant sites; U.S. Senate candidates share concerns, priorities
New abortion regulations; Food stamp cuts; TSA mission creep
Dayton: Negotiations with GOP going south; Abortion bills pass Minnesota House, Senate; Wolf hunt caught in Minnesota legislature; Farm bill cuts would hit food stamps; Twin Cities population to grow more diverse, elderly by 2040; 61 acres to be added to Voyageurs National Park; For elders with dementia, musical awakenings; Op-Ed: The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state
Duluth tax rally gets rowdy; No pay raise for elected officials -- again; Former Rochester School Board member: Scrap tenure; Study finds link between 3M-made chemical and cancer; A more predictable result for the Yankees against the Twins, 8-3;
House committee rejects Vikings stadium proposal; Some Minnesota lawmakers ready to adjourn, some want more time; Yankees knock around Pavano early, but the Twins get to Garcia often; Tea Party launches committee to fight Roch sales tax; Warm spring brings loons back to MN early;
Weekend tornadoes leave 'a royal mess' in Midwest; Issues in the Minnesota Legislature: What is moving, what is not; Barnes, Graves win DFL endorsements for Congress; More buyers are seeking homes in 'shadow market'
Arun Gandhi talks social justice in Ely
Gandhi spoke about living with his grandfather before his assassination, growing up in the village of Durban in South Africa during the Apartheid and his thoughts about bullying, environmentalism and women's issues through nonviolence.
Brian Dunn leaves Best Buy; Teen who survived war in Congo dies in Twin Cities car accident; Duluth unwelcoming to young workers; Nimrod fire; Stage-diving mayors and more news featured this week on Minnesota Today from MPR News.