Statewide Blog

"Just three years after the passage of a major state transportation funding bill, Minnesota transportation advocates are beginning a public education campaign for another increase in funding to address what they see as major unmet needs," reports MinnPost.
Blizzard app aims to help drivers survive storms
The Winter Survival Kit app is designed to determine your exact location, notify law enforcement, calculate how long your car will run on the gas in your tank, and alert you when it's time to clear the tailpipe to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
Cornbread Mafia pardon, student athlete collapses, the problem with Congress
As state and federal investigators came through the front door of a barn in Minnesota during a bust of the "Cornbread Mafia" in October 1987, Les Berry Jr. went out the back with six others and nearly escaped. Now after a conviction and prison time, his slate has been wiped clean by a presidential pardon this month.
Bridge critics gain momentum, crop prices undermine conservation
Opponents seeking a scaled down version of the Stillwater bridge advance their case. "$360 million for the span would be better spent on state projects elsewhere that would benefit more people, legislators say," reports the Star Tribune.
Tough times and turkey, paint it black locally, the coldest Thanksgiving
For some Minnesotans, putting that food on the table is a challenge. Communities and hunger relief organizations have been working for weeks to make sure everyone gets a meal, but higher food prices are making it harder.
Home for the holiday, a tale of two statements, slower deer hunt
A Saint Cloud-based Guard unit is retuning home. "The unit was supporting the drawdown in Iraq with its six helicopters. The unit flew 800 missions, transported 49,500 personnel and more than 7 million pounds of cargo from Iraq to Kuwait," reports the Saint Cloud Times.
Living snow fences help keep roads open
The Minnesota Department of Transportation paying farmers to leave corn stalks stand along roads. The idea is to let the plants catch blowing snow before it reaches the road.