Statewide Blog

U.S. House debates cuts to domestic nutrition programs
Lawmakers in the U.S. House started debate today on a food and farm spending bill that includes cuts to a program that helps poor mothers and their children buy food. The 2012 budget proposal cuts the Women, Infants, and Children program by $686 million, as compared to the funding level for FY2011.
Grand Rapids outlier in Minnesota unemployment
Unemployment in Minnesota hovers around 6.6 percent, but Grand Rapids has a rate that nearly doubles that. The 12.3 percent unemployment is rooted in a steady decline of manufacturing and forestry jobs that have continued to leave the area since 2002.
What is the economic state of Bemidji and Beltrami County? How has the recession hit this region ... and how has it come out of that economic downturn. We ask people who live in Beltrami County to tell us what they see when it comes to the economy in advance of a live forum on June 21. Please join in.
Canoeists begin 125-mile journey down the Sauk River
Canoe enthusiasts Todd Foster and Scott Miller will pack a collapsible ladder when they leave today for their 125-mile paddle from Lake Osakis to the Mississippi River. The pair plans to use it to scale some of the fences blocking their path down the Sauk River. According to Foster, farmers and landowners use the barriers to prevent cattle from leaving their lands.
Will push to boost college enrollment lower standards?
Why do families spend tens of thousands of dollars for young people to earn college degrees? A worthy question, considering how tuition has skyrocketed, along with the enrollment levels at schools. An online debate at MPR tackled the question: Has a push to increase college enrollment cheapened college standards? This is a wrap-up of the week-long debate.
The debate about whether small towns and cities should give up their local police department for county law enforcement is being sharpened by budget cutting issues
The fishing indicator
Last summer Charlie Chernak, owner broker of Bear Island Land Company, got to do some fishing. But this year he hasn't been out since the spring thaw. He says like everyone else up in Ely, he's working twice as hard for half as much.