Statewide Blog

Stadium subsidy debate heats up
Debate over new taxes to support building a new football stadium for the Minnesota Vikings is entering a critical phase as lawmakers decide what role tax payers should or should not have in funding the nearly $1 billion project.
The ski is mightier than the rod
The Minnesota House has approved a bill that would allow Lutsen Mountain Corp., which operates Lutsen Mountains ski area and resort, to pump up to two million gallons of water per day out of the Poplar River. The move has angered conservationists that assert the draw down of the river will threaten trout populations.
Youth unemployment, frustration growing in Minnesota
As more adults are taking lower paying jobs out of their field, teens and young adults are finding summer jobs increasingly difficult to get. The unemployment rate for youth ages 16-19 today is almost three times what it was in 2001.
Lutsen bill pits anglers against alpine skiers
A proposal before the Minnesota Legislature would allow Lutsen Mountains ski resort to bypass Department of Natural Resource regulations and pump two million gallons of water per day from the Poplar River. A company official says it's the most economically feasible way to make artificial snow, anglers say it threatens trout on the river. Environmentalists suggest pumping the water from Lake Superior, a suggestion Lutsen rejects as too costly.
Clark announces challenge to Cravaack
Tarryl Clark is the first member of the Democratic Farmer Labor party to announce her plan to run against freshman Republican U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack in the 8th Congressional District.