Statewide Blog

Tornado-torn Wadena begins tree replanting
Cities across the state are taking advantage of the warmer weather to begin a new round of tree planting and planning to maintain a healthy canopy in their community. Today, Arbor Day, marks the starting point for folks in Wadena to replant the thousands of trees a tornado ripped from the earth last June.
Labor dispute clouds Duluth redevelopment project
A developer that's using funds from the City of Duluth to redevelop the Old City Hall is encountering resistance from trade unions for not signing an agreement to use unionized construction workers and pay the prevailing wage.
Statewide food drive reports success
Mustafa Sundiata runs the NorthPoint Community Food Shelf, which relies on the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign. The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign met its goal. The 29th annual campaign collected nearly 4.3 million pounds of food and raised more than $7.8 million, organizers said. That’s an all-time high for monetary donations. The statewide food drive comes…
Dayton and Republican leaders stick to talking points
Lawmakers are back in St. Paul today for the final month of the legislative session. The parties have yet to agree on a budget plan and are only beginning the redistricting process that will shape the political dynamic of the state for the next decade.
A moderately severe winter
This winter could have been worse, the DNR has classified this Minnesota winter as "moderately severe" based upon the Winter Severity Index. The index adds a point to locations based for every day the temperature is below zero and another point for each day where the snow depth exceeds 15 inches.
Numbers are very important for farmers this time of year. They're ready to plant the new crop, but except for some very scattered fieldwork over the last week, nothing's moving.
Hope emerges as Arrowhead breaks ground on broadband project
Hundreds of miles of fiber optic cables will bring faster internet access to the Arrowhead region of Minnesota by the end of this summer. Ground for a broadband network stretching 915 miles was broken yesterday. Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and other politicians were on hand to tout the long-term economic significance of this federally funded project.