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 ‘I miss my teachers’: Already on the margins, homeless students hit hard by shuttered schools
When classrooms closed to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, the disruption left teens experiencing homelessness without the stability, routine and support of school. It has forced them to navigate distance learning on their own while also dealing with the trauma that homelessness brings. 
Fire stations across Minnesota to collect homemade mask donations
More than 700 fire stations across Minnesota will be gathering the donated homemade masks from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; the masks will be provided to staff members and residents of group-care facilities across the state.
Daily Dose of Sweetness: Ms. Rosemary’s surprise birthday
Rosemary Nevils was not expecting much of a celebration for her 71st birthday. Little did she know that her daughter and friend had a surprise in store for her. Just after 3 in the afternoon on Wednesday, a line of cars paraded in front of her St. Paul home with horns honking and classic party anthems from James Brown thumped.
JBS plant employees get drive-through COVID-19 testing
Sanford Clinic Worthington and the Minnesota Department of Health set up the site in just a few days this week to test employees of the JBS pork processing plant, where several dozen workers and their families have already tested positive for the highly contagious disease.
'Our contingency plan is panic': Farmers enter planting season amid low prices, COVID-19
Planting is getting underway in Minnesota, but the pandemic has knocked down crop prices — and the virus threat has farmers like Betsy Jensen on edge during the busy spring season.