A profile photo of Lukas Levin

Lukas Levin

Producer, Morning Edition and All Things Considered

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Meet Lukas Levin

Lukas Ford Levin is a producer for Morning Edition and All Things Considered at MPR News. He joined MPR News in 2023.  

Before joining MPR News, Lukas worked as an assignment editor on the news desk at WCCO-TV​. There, he helped coordinate logistics within the newsroom between reporters and photographers while staying on top of breaking news.     

While at MPR, Lukas has won multiple awards for his work and created the series “Job Interview” which seeks to talk to everyday Minnesotans across the state about the rewards and challenges of their careers.   

Lukas completed a double major in professional broadcast journalism and studies in cinema and media culture with a minor in American studies at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. While in school, he also worked with prospective journalism students to build skills around video and audio production and has presented at the Minnesota State Journalism Convention.  

In his free time, Lukas enjoys thrifting​, photography, walking/biking around the lakes, getting ice cream (preferably coffee flavored) and trying any new vegetarian foods. You can find Lukas Ford Levin on LinkedIn and X.  

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