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 'It's magical': On Duluth's backyard rinks, ice time means family time
For many Minnesotans, winter presents a welcome break from yard work. But for some in Duluth, when the ground freezes, the work begins: on a backyard hockey rink.
Photos: Big Lake Superior waves cause flooding in Duluth
The city of Duluth closed some streets and parking lots near Lake Superior and the harbor for several hours Sunday due to flooding. Waves covered stretches of the Park Point beach at times.
Photos: Our favorite images of 2019
Our staff and freelance photographers bring everything you read and hear to life through pictures. This year, they’ve braved the wind and waves of Lake Superior, waited in courthouses day after day, followed a rural midwife from one home visit to another and flown in WWII era planes.
Photos: Austin community marks the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Austin, Minn., was packed last week as the community came together to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, with costumes, dancing, prayer — and mariachi.