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MPR News

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Several dozen inmates are expected to be released in the coming days. All were convicted of nonviolent crimes, and are within 90 days of their original release date. MPR News morning update for April 16, 2020. Hosted by Cathy Wurzer.
Minnesota posted another decline today in the number of daily tests being run for COVID-19. That’s as Governor Tim Walz and health officials continue to emphasize how critical testing is for controlling the outbreak — and to inform any plan to restart the economy. MPR News evening update for April 15, 2020. Hosted by Tim Nelson and Britta Greene.
Debate nationally and here in Minnesota continues to be focused on how and when to start reopening the economy safely. State lawmakers met again today in St. Paul, and we’re hearing more strident calls for Governor Tim Walz to start rolling back work and business restrictions. MPR News evening update for April 14, 2020. Hosted by Tim Nelson and Britta Greene.
A man showing symptoms of COVID-19 was booked into the jail on Friday, and isolated pending results of a virus test. MPR News morning update for April 14, 2020. Hosted by Cathy Wurzer.
Their main order of business? Voting on a new COVID-19 relief bill. MPR News morning update for April 13, 2020. Hosted by Cathy Wurzer.
The Minnesota Department of Health reported Sunday that the COVID-19 death toll in Minnesota has increased to 70, while the total number of confirmed cases saw its largest one-day increase so far in Minnesota. MPR News update for April 12, 2020. Hosted by Lauren Rosenthal.
The Minnesota Department of Health reported Saturday that the COVID-19 death toll in Minnesota has increased to 64, while the total number of confirmed cases has increased to 1,427. MPR News update for April 11, 2020. Hosted by Mark Zdechlik.