Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Gov. Tim Walz orders bars, restaurants and other businesses to close to slow coronavirus spread; the Legislature approves $200 million as hospitals brace for a surge of patients
Gov. Tim Walz releases a supplemental budget proposal Thursday, but he says it wouldn’t be wise to spend all of the state’s $1.5 billion surplus. And state lawmakers are taking a fresh look at a quarantine law passed nearly two decades ago during a bioterrorism scare.
With three COVID-19 cases in Minnesota, state officials say it’s too early to cancel large gatherings. But one state lawmaker says he’s stopping all in-person meetings with constituents. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Senate takes up several violence prevention measures, and St. Paul teachers are back on the picket line.
Health officials have announced a second COVID-19 case in the state. Lawmakers are responding with a funding package that could be signed in the coming days. And Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson says he’ll run for 16th term in Congress.