Election 2023

Election 2023

Minnesota voters are deciding the makeup of dozens of school board and municipal elections in 2023. Election Day is Nov. 7. Polls close at 8 p.m.

Teachers union, advocacy groups warn of ‘extremist’ school board candidates
A coalition of educators and advocates for Jewish and LGBTQ+ people on Thursday urged Minnesotans to know the views of who they choose for local school board seats this fall, noting that a Holocaust denier is seeking a board seat in Roseville
Vaughn Klingenberg is one of seven individuals who has filed to run for one of three open seats in the Twin Cities suburban school district. Roseville, Minn., district leaders are pushing back against Klingenberg’s stated beliefs. 
The 2023 election: A look at municipal elections in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth
November elections are fast approaching and early voting is already underway. Take a closer look at who is on the ballot in the city council races for Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth.