Election 2024

Election 2024

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2024.

Biden touts economic 'comeback' in election-year pitch to skeptical voters
President Biden used his State of the Union speech to highlight economic gains and draw a contrast with his GOP opponents. Polls shows many voters give Biden low marks for his economic stewardship.
Vulnerable Democrats want Biden's State of the Union to focus on border and economy
Democrats running in swing seats say the president's performance in his State of the Union speech is important. They want him to remind people about the economic progress and discuss the border.
Rep. Dean Phillips drops bid for Democratic presidential nomination
After being dealt a blow in Super Tuesday voting in his home state, Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips announced Wednesday he would end his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
McConnell endorses Trump for president. He once blamed Trump for 'disgraceful' Jan. 6, 2021, attack
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has endorsed Donald Trump for president. McConnell announced his decision after Super Tuesday wins pushed the GOP front-runner closer to the party nomination.
Why AP called Democratic Super Tuesday contests for Biden: Race calls explained
The Associated Press was able to declare President Joe Biden the winner of a near clean sweep of Democratic Super Tuesday contents based largely on initial vote results that showed him winning about nine out of every 10 votes in almost every contest.
Why AP called most Super Tuesday states for Trump and how Haley won Vermont: Race calls explained
The Associated Press was able to call almost every Republican Super Tuesday contest for former President Donald Trump after initial results revealed no path for former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley to overtake him. 
Nikki Haley suspends her campaign and leaves Donald Trump as the last major Republican candidate
Nikki Haley has suspended her presidential campaign. Haley did not endorse former President Donald Trump on Wednesday and called on him to bring people into the conservative cause.