2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Update on the legislative session
Legislators have been back at work for a month now. What have they accomplished, and what remains to be done?
Two of Minnesota's most prominent elder statesmen are calling on Gov. Pawlenty and legislative leaders to avoid divisiveness as they debate and create public policy. Former Vice President Walter Mondale and former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson have sent Pawlenty and legislative leaders a letter outlining their concerns. Carlson spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.
Mother of slain soldier is only vote against funeral anti-protest bill
The Minnesota Senate has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill to make it a crime to willfully disrupt funeral services. The legislation is in response to a Kansas group's use of military funerals to gain attention for its anti-gay views.
Ex-governors analyze the State of the State
An analysis of Gov. Pawlenty's fourth State of the State address from two men who have given a few themselves.
Gov. Pawlenty's State of the  State address
Gov. Tim Pawlenty delivers his annual State of the State speech from the chambers of the Minnesota House of Representatives Thursday at noon.
Armed with a new study, arts advocates lobby lawmakers
The group Minnesota Citizens for the Arts is releasing a new study it says demonstrates the importance of the state's nonprofit arts community to the regional economy. The group plans to use the study to persuade lawmakers to dedicate more public money for the arts in Minnesota.
Harmony at Capitol may be short-lived
The 2006 legislative session got underway Wednesday, with plenty of talk about bipartisan cooperation. State leaders are pledging a short, productive session. But they disagree on what the agenda should be, and that is already threatening their pledge of harmony.
Group of lawmakers hopes session will look ahead
Minnesota lawmakers open the 2006 Legislative session on Wednesday. A group of lawmakers, calling itself the 2020 Caucus, hopes the session will be proactive about addressing issues the state will face in coming years.