
More than $1 billion awarded to Minnesota, Wisconsin bridge
Officials announced Monday that the U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded nearly $1.06 billion in federal funding to replace the aging John A. Blatnik Bridge between Duluth and Superior, Wis.
Large hanging art installation coming to MSP’s Terminal 1 in 2025
The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) unveiled the design concept for the new sculpture on Monday in Concourse G of Terminal 1, where it will hang from the rotunda and span about 40 feet.
No joke: Feds are banning humorous electronic messages on highways
Administration officials say electronic signs with obscure meanings, references to pop culture or those intended to be funny will be banned in 2026 because they can be misunderstood or distracting.
As the auto industry pivots to EVs, product tester Consumer Reports learns to adjust
The auto industry is adding more electric vehicles, and Consumer Reports' product reviewers are making adjustments too, from installing EV chargers to inventing new tests for cars.
Snow-covered roads reported in SE Minnesota; subzero cold statewide this weekend
While the snow was later — and lighter — than previously expected across much of southern Minnesota on Friday, a blast of subzero air remains on track to sweep across the region this weekend.
TSA found record number of firearms at airport checkpoints in 2023. Most were loaded
The number of firearms found at airport security checkpoints has reached an all-time high. Agency officials said the No. 1 reason passengers give is that they forgot they were carrying them.