
Airports, highways, beaches and theme parks are expected to be packed across the U.S. this Labor Day weekend as a lot Americans mark the unofficial end of summer the same way they celebrated the season’s unofficial start: by traveling. 
Two workers killed and a third injured in an explosion at a Delta Air Lines facility in Atlanta
 Two workers are dead and a third injured after an explosion at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport. The airline says it's working with authorities to investigate what happened. 
As cars and trucks get bigger and taller, lawmakers look to protect pedestrians
Cars and trucks have gotten bigger and taller, with deadly consequences for pedestrians. A bill being introduced today in Congress would create federal standards for hood height and visibility.
Flying cars in Minnesota? ‘Jetson's law’ could pave the way
Several new laws go into effect Thursday in Minnesota. One of them is “Jetson’s law,” named after the 1960’s space age cartoon. The law includes provisions for the use of flying cars.