
New doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester are getting to make mistakes. But that's okay because they're working with giant dolls at the new Multidisciplinary Simulation Center.
The U.S. leads the pack in the race to build the fastest supercomputer. From biological modeling to national defense, supercomputers are solving more complex problems.
New studies are shedding light on the way the brain accomplishes learning. A leading scientist explains the inner workings of memory.
A group of Ojibwe Indians who have lived in and around Warroad for centuries is not recognized by the U.S. government. Now, the Warroad Ojibwe community is beginning the long and daunting task of seeking that federal acknowledgment.
Do we know the difference between an atom and a molecule? According to a survey of 2,000 adults, fewer than a fifth of us do. Midmorning examines the basics of science and discusses why they matter.
Midmorning examines the science behind one of the most feared and fascinating weather events: lightning.
Kevin Knoblach, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, calls global warming "the greatest threat to life on our planet" since the nuclear standoff of the Cold War. In a recent speech at the Cleveland City Club Forum, Knoblach also said that America's political leaders are coming around to his way of thinking.
A team of University of Minnesota medical researchers has found a way to kill cancer cells using embryonic stem cells. The generated "natural killer cells" help defend the body against infection and some types of cancer. All Things Considered host Tom Crann talked with Dr. Dan Kaufman of the U of M's Stem Cell Institute.
Blogging plus video equals vlogging. Video blogs provided some of the most personal coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Does the Internet's newest form of self expression challenge television as blogs challenge newspapers?
State officials are celebrating the start of a new requirement Thursday that all diesel fuel sold in Minnesota contain 2 percent biodiesel.