
The University of Minnesota will seek private funds to expand current stem cell research to a controversial use of embryonic cells. Researchers are hoping to avoid clashes with abortion opponents and investigate cures of diseases.
Governor Pawlenty has outlined a series of proposals to help Minnesota's emerging biotech industry. Pawlenty has made biotech a top priority of his administration. But the governor's recommendations don't go as far as the proposals from the biosciences council he created last year. Industry experts say even if Pawlenty's package passes in its entirety, Minnesota will have to do more down the road to be a major player in the biotech industry.
Four hundred years ago, the brain first displaced the heart as the seat of human identity. A journalist finds fresh insight into the body's most mysterious organ by looking at the work of a 17th century scientist.
"Spirit," the Mars rover that landed Saturday night, is sitting inside the huge Gusev crater, which scientists believe may have contained a lake about four billion years ago. One of the rover's missions will be to scratch rocks and move soil around to see if any minerals exist on Mars that are water-related.
One year after the space shuttle Columbia accident, Columbia Remembered...Atlantis, Go For Launch looks back on the shuttle tragedy and looks ahead to the planned flight of Space Shuttle Atlantis. Hear from the Columbia astronauts and re-live the tragic loss of the shuttle. Get the inside story of the recovery of the shuttle's flight data recorder from the man who found it.
Will Steger is packing up his sled again. This December, the Minnesotan begins a journey back to the Arctic -- this time to bring attention to what global warming is doing to the top of the earth. Like his last journey to the region, this one will be documented on the Internet.
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham addresses the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. He announces a prioritized list of major, new scientific facilities needed over the next 20 years to support research in areas that have been the traditional responsibility of the department.
Allowing states to regulate companies that provide voice calls over the Internet as traditional telephone companies would conflict with federal law and could slow Internet growth, a Minnesota judge wrote Thursday.
More than a thousand scientists who study dinosaurs and other long extinct creatures begin a convention in St. Paul this week to talk about their new discoveries.
Minnesota-born Peter Agre and another American, Roderick MacKinnon, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry on Wednesday for studies of tiny transportation tunnels in cell walls, work that illuminates diseases of the heart, kidneys and nervous system. Agre's late father had predicted that Peter would one day win a Nobel Prize. His mother, Ellen, got the call at 6:45 Wednesday morning about the award.