Kerri Miller Brief

No citizenship question on the 2020 census, rules SCOTUS. What does it all mean?
MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with several guests about the Supreme Court's decision that the administration's current justification was insufficient to add a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
Women of Faith: Millennial Christians say loving God means protecting creation
Evangelicals have long focused more on saving souls than on saving God's creation. But some younger believers want to flip the script. Kerri Miller spoke with two environmental activists who are motivated by their faith to do something about climate change.
Women of Faith: Putting relationships over politics
The women behind the podcast Pantsuit Politics say their faith compels them to stay in relationships, even with people with whom they disagree politically. It's the latest discussion in our Women of Faith series.
Joy Harjo is first Native American named U.S. poet laureate
"I want to bring the contribution of poetry of the tribal nations to the forefront and include it in the discussion of poetry," says Harjo, an enrolled member of the Muscogee Creek Nation and a native of Tulsa, Okla.