Kerri Miller Brief

Jim Hagedorn looks to bump Tim Walz from 1st District
Republican Jim Hagedorn is up against incumbent DFLer Tim Walz in the 1st congressional district. Walz declined to appear for a debate, so Hagedorn joined the program for a question-and-answer session.
Kelly Oxford sent a Tweet encouraging women to share an account of their first sexual assault. Fifty tweets per minute came back to her. That movement inspired a conversation about sexually motivated assault.
How film can grow to feature more black actors
In the 88-year history of the Academy Awards only 14 black actors have won Oscars. Erika Howard and Gil Robertson discussed the ways film has evolved and where there is still room to grow.
The fight for clean power
Former White House counselor Jody Freeman talked about the Clean Power Plan and the future climate regulations.
MPR's All Things Considered host Tom Crann was in to talk with Molly Birnbaum and Dan Souza, editors of "Cook's Science: How to Unlock Flavor in 50 of our Favorite Ingredients".
Fall and winter outdoor adventures
Gear Junkie Stephen Regenold talked about what gear they need to enjoy the great outdoors when the weather outside is frightful.