MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

Big questions in health care: Can Minnesota support single-payer?
As Congress takes on the task of revamping health care, MPR News host Tom Weber is turning to big thinkers in the field for their insight on the future of insurance in the United States.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced Thursday that her department intends to roll-back guidelines on campus sexual assault. De Vos believes that the current policy doesn't treat the accused as "innocent until proven guilty."
Electronic musician blends Middle Eastern, Western rhythms
How a Syrian musician has made a home—and music—in Minnesota. Samer Saem Eldahr, known on stage as Hello Psychaleppo, creates electronic songs in part by sampling old Arab musicians.