Social Issues

Rename Calhoun? Most at meeting say yes
Supporters of the move say it's wrong to honor a man who was an ardent supporter of slavery and he drafted the Indian Removal Act, while others say the name is woven into the community.
Witherspoon reveals Hollywood assault; Lawrence talks abuse
Oscar winners Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Lawrence used their speeches at a Hollywood event honoring women to detail experiences of assault and harassment at the hands of directors and producers.
Harvey Weinstein case highlights pitfalls of workplace harassment claims
Most employers have policies on reporting sexual harassment, and human resource officials are required to investigate those claims. But those filing the complaints can face obstacles, experts say.
Two words are probably showing up on your social media feed: "Me too." It started Sunday after actress Alyssa Milano asked people on Twitter to reply "me too" if they've been sexually harassed or assaulted.
Sturgis Brown High School was scheduled to play Pine Ridge School, from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, on Friday. Photos posted on social media show students destroying a car with "Go back to the Rez" painted on the side.