
Christian Ponder didn't flinch, even against that swarming San Francisco defense. Minnesota's quarterback has come a long way from his rough rookie season.
The labor question…
There may have been no more staunch supporters of the Vikings stadium than the construction trades labor unions. Heck, the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation even has a president on the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority board, in the person of Bill McCarthy. (That’s him, at the mic, joining Gov. Mark Dayton at a stadium rally on April…
New stadium authority spokeswoman
The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority is playing its cards pretty close to the vest these days, what with a billion dollars worth of contracts floating around and everybody from carpenters to photographers hanging around, trying to figure out how to get a piece of the action. The MSFA posted an opening for a communications director…
The next (not so) big thing
Express Games owner Jon Weaver says that he’s got another trick up his sleeve for the electronic pulltab game. He says he’s submitted an iPod touch version of the games from Acres 4.0. He let us have a good look at it this afternoon. This could presumably drop the price of getting the device into…
Whither the Timberwolves?
The big sticking point in the Vikings stadium debate at the Capitol, at one point this spring, was whether or not the lowly Timberwolves were going to get a piece of the action. The deal for $150 million of city money for the NFL venue was predicated on clearing the way for (at least initially)…
Lynx at the White House
The Minnesota Lynx are at the White House starting at noon (central). The White House is providing this feed.
At O'Gara's, getting ready for pull-tab gambling
A new era in Minnesota gambling could be just hours away if a state board approves electronic pull-tab games that the Legislature is relying on to help pay for a new Vikings stadium.