
Vikings stadium bill expected this week
Legislation to build and pay for a new Vikings stadium is expected to be introduced this week in the Minnesota Legislature. MPR News reporter Tim Nelson gives us the latest on the next steps in the stadium debate.
At first blush, the new proposal to build a football stadium for the Minnesota Vikings in downtown Minneapolis would cost just under $1 billion. But a closer look shows the cost might be higher than that, and that some of the money stadium supporters are counting on may not materialize.
$975M Vikings stadium deal announced for Minneapolis
The Minnesota Vikings could stay in downtown Minneapolis, in a new stadium on the existing Metrodome site, under an agreement announced Thursday by the team, the city and state officials.
$975M Vikings stadium deal announced for Minneapolis
The Minnesota Vikings could stay in downtown Minneapolis, in a new stadium on the existing Metrodome site, under an agreement announced Thursday by the team, the city and state officials.