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The Minnesota Senate had its annual potluck today. Governor Pawlenty stopped by and talked with reporters, a bipartisan group of senators and legislative staffers. He even brought some caramels which he says is meant to "sweeten the offer."


Pawlenty joked that "I didn't want to come empty handed because he would say that I was approaching this potluck just the same way I was approaching my negotiations."

DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller was ecstatic that Pawlenty showed up. He said no governor has ever attended the annual potluck.

Maybe a little hotdish is all it took to get negotiations back on track.

Lawmakers are still negotiating their budget details and have another meeting scheduled for this afternoon.

UPDATE: I failed to mention that DFL Sen. Scott Dibble brought his famous bipartisan rhubarb and cherry pie. It's bipartisan since the rhubarb was grown in GOP Sen. Michael Jungbauer's garden.