Independence Party backs Dem in Minn.'s 6th Dist.

Candidate again
Elwyn Tinklenberg recieved a key endorsement on Saturday when the Independence Party backed him in his bid t useat Michele Bachmann in the sixth district.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg has picked up a key endorsement in his bid to unseat Republican Michele Bachmann in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District.

The Independence Party of Minnesota is backing Tinklenberg instead of fielding their own candidate.

Two years ago, Independence Party candidate John Binkowski drew almost 8 percent of the district's vote, helping Bachmann win the seat with 50 percent of the vote. Democrat Patty Wetterling got just 42 percent.

Tinklenberg is positioning himself as more moderate than the conservative Bachmann and trying to win over middle-of-the-road voters.

The Independence Party has endorsed candidates from other parties in the past, including Republican Governor Arne Carlson when he ran for re-election 14 years ago.

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