Vets backing McCain, Obama hold competing news conferences


Veterans for John McCain and Veterans for Barack Obama had events at the State Capitol Monday morning.

Supporting Republican John McCain was Leo Thorsness of Walnut Grove, who served as a prisoner of war along with McCain in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" during the Vietnam War. Thorsness, who won the Medal of Honor, said the Arizona Senator's military background makes him best equipped to be commander in chief.

"He'll never willy-nilly get us into some conflict, but John McCain will, if our liberty, our freedom is threatened," Thorsness said. "If our national security is threatened, if it's a nation or a radical extremist somewhere, John won't hesitate to defend that freedom."

Chuck Sporer
Chuck Sporer, of Bloomington, served in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968 with the 164th Combat Aviation Group in the Mekong Delta. Sporer is supporting Democrat Barack Obama because he will support troops on the ground and provide benefits to returning veterans.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

A veteran supporting Democrat Barack Obama said the nation had plenty of presidents who didn't have military experience, but led the country during a time of war.

His supporters say Obama will provide better services for the veterans who are returning from combat.