
The fall of Glen Taylor?


It wasn't that long ago that the proposed solution to every sports team's ownership misery in Minnesota -- specifically the Twins and Vikings -- was to have Glen Taylor buy it. Back then, though, the Timberwolves were good and Taylor was "one of us."

Taylor is still "one of us" but the bloom is off the successful-franchise-owner rose and now the guy's personal reputation isn't so great either.

The Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal details a lawsuit filed by four women against one of Taylor's companies, alleging discrimination.

The suits also allege that "sexual favoritism" at the company, where female employees were retained due to their appearance or personal relationships with managers, extended to two employees who had personal relationships with Glen Taylor. The filings say that "it is common knowledge in the workplace" that one employee is on Taymark's payroll because she bore Taylor's illegitimate daughter and that Taylor placed her with the company rather than pay her child-support payments. The daughter, now an adult, also is on the company payroll, the court filings say, adding that the two women were not "held to the same work standards as other employees."

It's a damning article about a court case whose allegations, we have to point out, have not been proven. The allegations alone, however, may expedite Taylor's fall from sports grace.

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