Mine officials tell the state to hurry up with permits

PolyMet processing site
PolyMet Corporation has purchased key processing equipment once used to process taconite by LTV Mining Corporation. The large building in the foreground is the crushing facility where ore will be ground before metals can be extracted.
Photo courtesy PolyMet Corporation

Officials with a company that wants to open a precious metals mine on the Iron Range say the state of Minnesota needs to get moving. PolyMet hopes to open the $600 million precious metals mine at the site of the former LTV Steel taconite plant in Hoyt Lakes. For the economically strapped Iron Range, it will mean 400 permanent jobs and another 500 spin-off jobs.

PolyMet officials say they've got great community support, but that the state Department of Natural Resources has repeatedly pushed back the release of a draft environmental impact statement. Most recently the DNR says the report will be released to the public in mid-October.

Proposed PolyMet site
A graphic illustrating the proposed PolyMet mining pit.
Image courtesy of PolyMet

DNR officials say they've had to make sure to address concerns from the public and environmental groups over the first-ever precious metals mine in the state.


Information from: Mesabi Daily News, http://www.virginiamn.com

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