Palin mocks Obama; McCain claims nomination

Sarah Palin and John McCain
Republican US vice presidential nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (L) and Republican presidential nominee John McCain (2nd R) stand on stage after Palin addressed the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Xcel Energy Center Tuesday night in St. Paul, Minnesota. Palin emerged from a political storm to bask in a rapturous welcome from the Republican convention and took a swift swipe at Barack Obama.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claimed her historic spot on the Republican ticket Wednesday night, uncorking a smiling, sarcastic attack on Barack Obama and winning cheers of acceptance and approval after a tumult-filled first week on the national stage.

She vowed to help presidential nominee John McCain bring real change to Washington, saying "he's a man who's there to serve his country and not just his party."

McCain joined her on stage, to even bigger cheers, and then the delegates went about the business of formally awarding the nomination he had sought for nearly a decade. At 72, the Arizona senator is the oldest first-time nominee in history.

The 44-year-old Palin, scarcely known a week ago, had top billing on the third night of the convention. The first woman vice presidential candidate in party history, she spoke to uncounted millions of viewers at home in her solo national debut after days of tabloid-like scrutiny of her and her family.

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin, US vice presidential nominee, waves to the crowd during the Republican National Convention 2008 at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 03, 2008.

Some of the biggest roars were for her barbs aimed at Democratic presidential nominee Obama.

"Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he wants to forfeit," she said of Obama. "Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he's worried that someone won't read them their rights."

To the delight of the delegates, McCain strolled unexpectedly onto the convention stage after the speech and hugged his running mate.

"Don't you think we made the right choice" for vice president? he said as his delegates roared their approval. It was an unspoken reference to the convention-week controversy that has greeted her, including the disclosure that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was pregnant.

The packed convention hall exploded in cheers as McCain stood with Palin and her family - including mother-to-be Bristol and the father, 18-year-old Levi Johnston.

John McCain, the presumptive Republican
John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, gives the thumbs-up after vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention 2008 at the Xcel Energy Center.

She had top billing at the convention on a night delegates also lined up for a noisy roll call of the states to deliver their presidential nomination to McCain.

Palin drew cheers from the moment she stepped onto the convention stage, hundreds of camera flashes reflecting off her glasses.

If McCain and his campaign's high command had any doubt about her ability at the convention podium, they needn't have. With her youthful experience as a sportscaster and time spent in the governor's office, her timing was flawless, her appeal to the crowd obvious.

"Our family has the same ups and downs as any other, the same challenges and the same joys," she said as the audience signaled its understanding.

In her solo debut on the national stage, she traced her career from the local PTA to the governor's office, casting herself as a maverick in the McCain mold, and seemed to delight in poking fun at her critics and her ticketmate's political rivals.

John McCain and Sarah Palin hug
John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, hugs his running mate Sarah Palin as her husband Todd holds last-born Trigg at the Republican National Convention 2008 at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 03, 2008.
Photo by Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images

Since taking office as governor, she said she had taken on the oil industry, brought the state budget into surplus and vetoed nearly one-half billion dollars in wasteful spending.

"I thought we could muddle through without the governor's personal chef - although I've got to admit that sometimes my kids sure miss her."

Not surprisingly, her best-received lines were barbs at Obama.

"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a `community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities," she said, a reference to Obama's stint as a community organizer.

"I might add that in small towns we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't," she said.

Delegate with buttons
A man wears buttons and stickers supporting presumptive Republican presidential nominee U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on day two of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Xcel Energy Center on September 2, 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

That was a reference to Obama's springtime observation about some frustrated working-class Americans.

By contrast, she said of McCain: "Take the maverick out of the Senate. Put him in the White House.

"He's a man who's there to serve his country, and not just his party."

"In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers," she said in another cutting reference to Obama's campaign theme. "And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change."

A parade of party luminaries preceded Palin to the convention podium, and Republicans packing the hall cheered every attack on Obama.

McCain in Minnesota
Republican presidential candidate John McCain, back to camera, greets his running mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, center, and her boyfriend Levi Johnston, left, as he arrives at the airport in Minneapolis.

"He's never run a city, never run a state, never run a business, never run a military unit. He's never had to lead people in crisis," said former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani of McCain's rival.

"This is not a personal attack ... it's a statement of fact - Barack Obama has never led anything. Nothing. Nada."

Palin also jabbed at the news media, which have raised convention week questions about her background and her family.

"Here's little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion - I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country."

McCain arrived in the Republican National Convention city earlier in the day to accept the prize of a political lifetime. Instantly, defended his choice of a running mate, saying she was ready to serve as commander in chief after less than two years as governor of Alaska.

Packing relief supplies
Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his wife Cindy prepare relief packages to send to victims of Hurricane Gustav at the Minneapolis Convention Center Wednesday, after McCain arrived in the Twin Cities.
MPR Photo/Toni Randolph

"Oh, absolutely," he said in an ABC interview.

"Having been the governor of our largest state, the commander of their National Guard, she was once in charge of their natural resources assets actually, until she found out there was corruption and she quit. ..."

McCain's remarks dovetailed with an effort by his campaign to depict Palin's critics as out to destroy the first female running mate in party history.

While she readied the speech of her career, McCain's top strategist, Steve Schmidt, complained about a "faux media scandal," generated, he said, by "the old boys' network that has come to dominate the news establishment."

Little is known nationally of her views, although a video surfaced during the day of a speech she made at her church in June in which she said U.S. troops had been sent to Iraq "on a task that is from God."

Palin and McCain
Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin talk as he arrives on the tarmac at the airport in Minneapolis Wednesday.

Not everyone was quite on message, though.

"I think that Gov. Palin and Sen. Obama do not have extensive experience in government," Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania told reporters. He said she has potential, and judged Obama a "political phenomenon, no doubt about it."

Whatever Palin's impact on the race, McCain's story was among the most arresting in recent presidential politics.

The son and grandson of admirals, he had a rebellious youth by his own account, running up a healthy ledger of demerits at the Naval Academy. Shot down over Vietnam, he was held and tortured for more than five years before his release. Along the way, he turned down an offer of early freedom from captors eager for a propaganda boost.

Elected to Congress in 1982, he moved to the Senate in 1986 as a Reagan Republican. Soon singed by the "Keating Five" scandal, involving the savings and loan industry, he shifted course.

Cindy McCain and her sons do a soundcheck
Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential nominee U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) stands at the podium with her sons Jack McCain (R) and James McCain during a walk thru on day three of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Xcel Energy Center on September 3, 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

He began carving out a maverick's role, championing legislation to reduce the influence of money in politics and fighting wasteful government spending.

Increasingly over the years, he parted company with fellow Republicans on issues as diverse as tobacco, health care, immigration, judicial nominees, a commission to investigate the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the use of torture in interrogations and more.

He first ran for president in 2000, but lost the GOP nomination to George Bush in a bitter struggle.

As the early front-runner eight years later, he watched helplessly as anger with the Iraq war drained him of the support of independents while conservatives deserted because of legislation giving illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship.

Out of money - but not hope - he pared back his campaign and persevered. When Huckabee defeated Romney in the leadoff Iowa caucuses, it opened the door for McCain to win the New Hampshire primary five days later.

Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina, former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, addresses the Republican National Convention at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 3, 2008. White House hopeful John McCain's vice presidential pick Sarah Palin was to make her high-stakes debut at the Republican party's convention in a pivotal speech that could make or break the Republican ticket in its battle against Democratic foe Barack Obama. =

He did, and despite a chronic shortage of funds, methodically dispatched his rivals, one by one, before clinching the nomination with a series of big-state Super Tuesday wins on Feb. 5.

Never a favorite of conservatives, he worked slowly to draw them to his side, and his selection of Palin was a surprising stroke.

Social conservatives greeted her pick enthusiastically - support that coalesced in the ensuing days as her daughter's pregnancy became known.

While McCain himself appeals to independents, strategists said they hoped Palin's presence on the ticket would gain a second look from conservative Democrats who sided with New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during her failed candidacy earlier in the year.